Reaching the Unreached: The Kogi of Colombia

Oct 26, 2023

The Kogi tribe, located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Colombia, are one of the most unreached people groups in the world. With a population of twenty-thousand, only around three-hundred are Christians. However, those three-hundred are on one side of the mountains, leaving an entire group of eight to ten-thousand Native Kogi with zero representation of the Gospel among them. God, through His sovereignty, orchestrated our trip in to provide two of the only men in the entire world, who have the ability and opportunity to reach this tribe, the resources necessary to bring the Word of God into this dark part of the world.

Our work is not done though. God has placed an open door in front of us and we intend to walk through it with His help. Our goal is to organize a medical mission in the Spring of '24 that will give the local missionary mentioned an inroad into this tribe. Please, pray with us for wisdom and pray for yourself that God would give you direction in how you can partner with us to see this tribe, and in the future many others, receive the inerrant, Holy Word of God.