Active missionaries

Larry & Rosemary Landress

The Landress's, Holiness in Mexico, have been ministering in the Yucatan for more than 20 years with an emphasis on church planting, discipleship, Bible printing and distribution. 

David & Alicia Lloyd

The Lloyd's, Missions to Haiti, have been full time missionaries to Haiti for more than 20 years. They have pioneered an orphanage, church, as well as an English and Haitian school. They also help with career development for locals. 

Jeremy & Bilita Sipe

The Sipe's minister based out of Eldoret, Kenya. They run a community center, orphanage, food ministries, local pastoral help as well as outreach into the Turkana region in Northwest Kenya. 

David Trawick

Rev. Trawick has been in Roatan Island, Honduras for close to a decade. His ministry focuses on reaching the children of his "barrio", breaking the curse of sin in their families as well as a recently built church. 

Mike & Luann Petit

The Petit's live and minister in the Philippines. They run a Bible School, as well as focus on local ministry and leadership development. 

Sumner Family

Rev. Scott & Rev. Allen Sumner, as well as their families, have been ministers in Danli, Honduras since the 90's. They have a broad reaching ministry to the military and police academies, as well as a thriving church in Danli. 

James & Melissa Persinger

The Persinger's serve in Danli, Honduras with their children alongside the Sumner's. 



Active Evangelists

Joe and Amie Ganze

The Ganze family are full-time evangelists in North America. 

Mike & Ladona Blue

The Blue's have been in full time ministry for decades. They have brought the gospel to countless children, through their character "Little Mary", as well as revivals, pastoral ministry and countless investment in the lives' of others. 

Austin & Kelli Griffits

The Griffits are full-time evangelists in North America. 



Current programs

Pastor's School: Porto Alegre, Brazil

AGMA is currently financing the training of Pastors based in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, India, Portugal and Zimbabwe. This school is based in South Brazil and is run by Restoration Ministries. 

Audio Bible Distribution

AGMA has been involved in the purchase and distribution of audio Bibles throughout Dominican Republic and Columbia. 

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